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Become the architect of a great place to work.

You don't need another webinar or change management certification. We want you to have a new way to think about culture change and building a learning organization.

the business of Culture, Learning and psychological safety the BCLP is an 8 week live virtual learning experience to change how you thing about change.

You don't have to accept the"Way we've always done it"

Creating a better experience of the workplace starts by connecting whats best for your people to whats best for the business.

Better is possible.

Change doesn't happen at 80,000ft it happens in the meetings and interactions of everyday leaders and employees. It doesn't happen by accident

Is a learning organization just a myth?

A learning organization is a dynamic, ever-evolving entity that thrives on curiosity and continuous improvement. It’s where every team member embraces experimentation, learns from failure, and drives innovation. In a learning organization, growth isn’t a goal—it’s a habit.

We have helped to increase psychological safety and create learning organizations around the world with Fortune 500 companies to companies built and lead by their owners. 


 Like you we face often invisible systems that influence our daily experiences and how people work together.

We know what works, even better we know what doesn't. and we want to share that with you

What's missing isn't more information its having a new way to think about crafting an approach, building momentum and establishing sustainability. 

​We believe you can be an architect of a better culture built on psychological safety, designed to learn and adapt.

Trusted by Logos

The business of Learning organizations certification BLOC

The TransformMBA is a live 8 week virtual experience to unravel the challenges faces by people and culture leaders, help you get started, gain buy-in, communicate your vision, build momentum and harness potential


Features overview

Craft your approach

Make getting started feel easy by connecting it to the business, building a coalition of support and becoming a trusted architect.

Build Momentum

Discover the what your leaders need, Identify the right skills, support the process and build teams who are ready to face uncertainty while they work to improve the experience of work.

Establish Sustainability

Sustainability is a response to good design. Develop a plan for what you'll measure, what you'll track and how you will continue to adapt and change as you face new challenges.

Be our next success story

New to the role of Director of People & Culture, Michelle was tasked with improving psychological safety, well-being and in the process lowing retention. She felt stuck with where to get started, the best approach and how to gain buy-in without having things get too political. 

After working together she was able to implement a leadership program that was time sensitive, built cross-silo relationships and focused on the right skills.

Her program improved trust in leadership, well-being, psychological safety but also, productivity, retention and engagement. 

She went on to receive 2 more promotions and her team was acknowledged with an award for best places to work.




Peer group learning to tap into diverse experiences


Learn how change really happens and how to build trust and buy-in


Develop your own pilot designed for learning & sustainability


Access to 1 on 1  coaching, Live session recordings & guest speakers

Who is this for

Human Resource Professional

People & Culture 

Learning & Development specialists




Anyone who is tired of talking about wanting a better work place and ready to take action.

Alexa Young, CA

“Testimonials provide a sense of what it's like to work with you or use your products. Change the text and add your own."


Apply now to join the Waitlist!

  • 8 live modules with recorded videos & worksheets

  • Weekly group discussions and peer learning

  • Instructor feedback on your work

  • Email Templates & Step by Step guides

  • Access to 1 on 1 power coaching sessions

  • Certificate of completion

Solutions need to be as unique as your context

Building a learning organization doesn't have to be cookie cutter.

We spend nearly a third of our lives at work—a significant amount of our precious time. Too often, these experiences fall short.

But what if work could be transformational? A place of co-creation, connection, learning, and collaboration. A space where people fulfill their potential with clarity, confidence, hope, joy, and respect for our shared humanity.

We have the power to make this a reality for ourselves and others.

needs "why does this program work"

Designing for transformation

Change doesn't have to feel like a

What is a learning organization?

How to get started?
Assessing the current state

Being a Cultural Architect

Designing a Pilot

Understanding Change

Gaining Influence

Communicating a vision

Building Sustainability

Our Team.

This is your Team section. It's a great place to introduce your team and talk about what makes it special, such as your culture and work philosophy. Don't be afraid to illustrate personality and character to help users connect with your team.

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